In this Angular 6 tutorial, we will discuss all the angular concepts we were not able to cover in Angular 2 and Angular 5 courses. If you are starting to learn Angular, I suggest the following.Start with our Angular 2 course. We have discussed all the angular basics in this course. These basics are the same for Angular 2, 4, 5, 6 etc.Once you are comfortable with Angular basics, please learn Angular CLI. I believe every angular developer should learn how to use this powerful tool Angular CLI. It greatly increases your productivity while still following Angular's best practices and conventions.After you learn Angular basics and how to use Angular CLI, please watch our Angular CRUD course. This course uses Angular 5 and covers all the concepts we were not able to cover in Angular 2 course.Finally, watch this Angular 6 tutorial. In this course we have covered important advanced angular concepts we were not able to cover in Angular 2 and Angular 5 courses.Hope you will find these resources useful to learn Angular.The following are the topics covered in this course01. Creating angular 6 project from scratch02. Install Bootstrap for Angular 603. Routing in Angular 6 project04. Angular reactive forms tutorial05. FormControl and FormGroup in Angular06. Angular nested form groups07. Angular setvalue and patchvalue methods08. Angular formbuilder example09. Angular reactive forms validation10. Angular form control valuechanges11. Loop through all form controls in formgroup in reactive form12. Move validation messages to the component class in reactive form13. Move validation logic to the component class in reactive form14. Dynamically adding or removing form control validators in reactive form15. Angular reactive form custom validator16. Angular reactive form custom validator with parameter17. Angular Reusable Custom Validator18. Angular reactive forms cross field validation19. Angular formarray example20. Creating formarray of formgroup objects in Angular21. Angular dynamic forms tutorial22. Generate unique id value for dynamically created form controls in angular23. Angular dynamic forms validation24. Angular formarray validation25. Remove dynamically created form controls in angular26. RxJS operators in angular services27. Angular reactive forms edit example28. Angular populate formarray29. Angular reactive forms put example30. Angular reactive forms post example31. Angular modules explained32. Creating feature module in angular33. Creating feature routing module in angular34. Creating shared module in angular35. Grouping routes and creating component less route in angular36. Lazy loading in angular37. Preloading angular modules38. Angular custom preloading strategy menos
In this Angular 6 tutorial, we will discuss all the angular concepts we were not able to cover in Angular 2 and Angular 5 courses. If you are starting to learn Angular, I suggest the following.Start with our Angular 2 course. We have discussed a... mais