Hello, I'm Nitish Singh, the founder of CampusX, your online gateway into the world of data science! At CampusX, we believe that quality education is a universal right, not a privilege. We aim to provide TOP TIER data education to everyone with a passion to learn. On our YouTube channel, we provide high quality free content covering everything related to data. Apart from this, we also provide paid mentorship programs for students where enrolled students get the benefit of personalized guidance through live and recorded video lectures, daily skill-building activities, hands-on projects, assignments, and interactions with industry experts. Leveraging my 10 years of teaching experience in the data industry, primarily in Machine/Deep Learning, I bring real-life industry experiences directly to your learning journey. Explore our video courses at https://learnwith.campusx.in/ for in-depth technology lessons. For all business inquiries, please reach out to support@campusx.in


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